Don Stephens --> Bits & Pieces
Don Stephens


Each of us is formed by the people we meet, the books we read, and the music, films, and art we savor. These are a few that I consider important influences in my life. I pass them on as recommendations of beauty and inspiration. 


"We are dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants. We see further than the ancients not because we are taller than they, but because we have their shoulders to stand on."

- Willard, Dallas, The Divine Conspiracy opened up to me revelation of true discipleship and the Kingdom of God
- Eldridge, John, Wild at Heart challenged me to live by passion rather than rules. 
- Schaeffer, Francis, How Then Shall we Live? gave me Biblical eyes to see the world.
- Murray, Andrew, Humility (I try to read this book every few years to bring me back to humility before God.)
- Tozer, A.W., The Pursuit of God taught me to follow hard after God for His own sake.
- Silverstein, Shel, The Giving Tree is a children's parable of giving your life away.
- Brother Lawrence & Frank Laubach, Practicing the Presence is perhaps the best book I know for bringing me back around to the simplicity of 
  walking with Jesus.
- Hugo, Victor, Les Miserables fed my soul with the beauty of grace.
- George, Bob, Classic Christianity taught me in clear terms the meaning of grace.
- Carnegie, Dale, How to Win Friends and Influence People equipped me to move beyond my shyness.
- Thomas, Major Ian, The Saving Life of Christ more than any other book taught me about the fullness of Christ and what He accomplished in 
  His death and resurrection.
- John Eldridge & Brent Curtis: The Sacred Romance Changed the way I think about life, suffering, beauty, pain, and eternity.
- Lewis, C.S., Mere Christianity equipped me to rationally defend my faith.
- Dillard, Annie, A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek opened a window to God's wonder in my soul.
- Colson, Charles, How Now Shall we Live? taught me to engage my mind as a Christian.
- Edwards, Gene, A Tale of Three Kings was a delightful revelation of how to respond to harsh leadership.
- Vanauken, Sheldon, A Severe Mercy challenged my view of suffering and enlarged my view of God's love.
- Kreeft, Peter, The Journey taught me to ask questions and to seek for the Truth.
- Tochinni, Dan, Killing the Victim Before the Victim Kills You lifted me out of idolatry and self-deception.
- Manning, Brennan, Abba's Child lit a flame of God's passionate love in my soul.
- Nouwen, Henri, Out of Solitude gave me perspective on the really important things in life.
- Hansel, Tim, You Gotta Keep Dancing taught me the promise of pain and the possibility of joy.

" Heros are made in the culture of the cross.  Otherwise, all we have are celebrities."  - David Boyd 
"Celebrities are people who are well kown for being well known!" - Mark Twain)
King David: In his imperfection he followed God with wholehearted passion.  And his music carried the presence of God.
St Francis of Assisi: Possibly the most Christ-like man since Jesus.  He demonstrated to a dark medeival world what it meant to follow Jesus with passion and child-like faith.
St Patrick:  His missionary faithfulness brought salvation to the whole of a country, and eventually was responsible for preserving much of western civilization.
William Carey:  God used him to touch every sphere of culture with the Gospel in India.  This missionary
was also a "kingdom" scientist, publisher, educator, social reformer, linguist, writer, inventor, and botanist.
Socrates: I know he wasn't a believer, but I think he would have been if he'd had the opportunity to hear the gospel.  I'm inspired by his passion for truth. 

Movies & Film: (We should always look for the message!)

"Far more than any other influence, more than school, more even than home - my attitudes, dreams, preconceptions and preconditions for life had been irreversibly shaped five and a half thousand miles away in a place called Hollywood."   - David Puttnam, producer of Chariots of Fire.  
- Radio "God choses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; the weak things of the world to shame the strong."
- Pirates of the Caribbean "The blood of a righteous "pirate" redeemed the whole company of dead pirates."
- The Lord of the Rings "Even the smallest person can change the course of history." (This trilogy has so much to say about the Kingdom!)
- The Two Towers  "It takes faithful men and unified armies to defeat the powers of darkness."
- The Return of the King  "Every little hobbit, elf, dwarf, and man has a part to play in the cosmic battle for the Kingdom.
- The Gladiator "Our actions in this life will echo through eternity."
- The Count of Monte Cristo "God still believes in you." 
- The Truman Show  "The truth will set you free."
- The Mission "The power and beauty of redemption versus the horror of greed."
- Dead Poet's Society "Seize the day. Live every moment with passion."
- Simon Birch: "Every life has meaning and purpose."
- Patch Adams "Care is more important than cure."
- Schindler's List "One person can make a difference."
- Braveheart "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."
- The War "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
- The Man Without a Face "The measure of a man is his heart. Suffering produces wisdom."
- It's A Wonderful Life "The sacredness of life. Every life makes a difference"
- Chariots of Fire  "Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God."  He takes delight in our gifts!
- Cool Runnings "The magic of dreaming and the reward of discipline."
- City of Joy "True joy is found in sacrificing our lives for others."
- Remember the Titans "The beauty of reconcilliation and the strength of teamwork."

  Music And Musicians:

 "The devil flees at the sound of music almost as much as he does at the Word of God. " - Martin Luther
  Everything we listen to influences our mind, our soul, and our spirit. Here are some of my favorites:

- Josh Groban sometimes makes me cry.  What's up with that? He's only nineteen!
- Mozart, The Gypsy Kings, and Johann Strauss for energy, refreshment, & joy.
- Fernando Ortiga and John Michael Talbot for looking into the Father's heart.
- Yanni and Celtic Music for relaxation and romance.
- Sarah Brightman and Twila Paris for simplicity, beauty and grace.
- Keith Green and Rich Mullans for passion and conviction.
- The Last of the Mohicans, The Mission, & Out of Africa for lush, stimulating soundtracks.
- Celtic Worship, Passion, Vineyard Acoustic Worship, & Matt Redman for being in the Lord's
- Sting and Iona for freshness and creativity.
- The Beachboys and Jimmy Durante for good wholesome fun.
 My latest Reading Material:
"Read, or get out of the ministry" - John Wesley to early Methodist Ministers
Scribblings in the Sand:  Michael Card 
100 Days in the Secret Place:  Gene Edwards
The Art of God: Ric Ergenbright
The Purpose Driven Life: Rick Warren
The Journals of Jim Elliot:  Jim Elliot
The Art of Possibility:  Ben Zander
Shows About Nothing: Thomas Hibbs
Biblical Foundations for Freedom:  Art Mathias
The Renaissance:  Paul Johnson
Plato for Beginners:  Robert Cavalier
The Divine Romance:  Dallas Willard
Windows of the Soul:  Ken Gire
The Lessons of St. Francis:  John Michael Talbot
How the Irish Saved Civilization:   Thomas Cahill
Making Sense out of Suffering:  Peter Kreeft
The God Chasers:  Tommy Tenny
Les Miserables:  Victor Hugo
The Reflective Life:  Ken Gire
To Kill a Mockingbird:  Harper Lee
The Journey of Desire:  John Eldridge
The Sacred Romance:  John Eldridge & Brent Curtis
Journey of Desire:  John Eldridge
Lord Foulgrin's Letters:  Randy Alcorn
Teaching a Stone to Talk:  Annie Dillard
Bridge over the Drina:  Ivan Andric
Bach's Passion:  RuthAnn Ridley
Wobegone Days:  Garrison Keillor
How Then Shall We Live?  Francis Schaeffer
Perelandria:  C.S. Lewis
Lion and Lamb - Brennan Manning
Wild at Heart - John Eldridge
The Case for Faith - Lee Strobel
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Seven Men Who rule the World from the Grave - David Breese
The Celtic Way of Evangelism - George G. Hunter
The Death of Ivan Illyich - Leo Tolstoy
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Carpe Manana - Leanard Sweet
The Essential Koran
God's Favorite House - Tommy Tenny
What's So Amazing About Grace?  - Phillip Yancey
The Art of Possibility - Ben Zander
The Art of God - Ric Ergenbright
Winning the Culture War - Peter Kreeft
Waking the Dead - John Eldridge
Preachers of Hate - Kenneth Timmerman
Night - Elie Weisel
Postmodern Pilgrims - Leanard Sweet
Messy Spirituality - Michael Yacanelli
Sailing the Wine Dark Sea - Thomas Cahill
The Dream Giver - Bruce Wilkinson
The World Next Door -


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